Saturday, January 31, 2009

Im ok with it.

I stayed out again until 3:30. Not good for health or my morning me. But I'm ok with it. I love being able to be my youthful self while not considering the consequences. You're only 18 once, and soon I wont be 18 anymore, so why not throw a pretend rave at a bowling alley at 12:30 at night? I love my friends, I sometimes wish they would stop expecting me to conform to things of their liking, I feel like I need some friends who will love me for exactly everything that I do/am. I guess that would be hard for me to find considering I've never opened up to any of my friends that much. I just feel like I'm missing out on something. But I'm so grateful for the friends I do have and I love them all so much :D

Also, I'm running out of money. I quit my job about a month and a half ago and I'm finally starting to panic. The week after my birthday I have promised myself that I am going to go apply to at least three different places. I'll let you know what places those are once I decide haha

Ok. roommate update... I can't handle the situation anymore. I have to leave my apartment. I got a list of open rooms and I plan on buying someone's contract on monday. One of my roommates is a really nice guy. I took for granted how good of a roommate he was. I will make sure I let him know I didn't move out because of him, because I'll honestly miss him. The other one... He treats me like I'm his son. He HONESTLY called me "champ" this morning. Who the hell does that? He's 22! I'm not 14! He sat me down and lectured me on not having girls in my room, PERIOD. He told me how dangerous and contract breaking the situation is. When I told him that my friends and I didn't really care and that we are all just friends he said, "Alright well I'm interested in finding out what your future district leader will say when you invite girls over to the mission home." I then said something like, "Sometimes my friends just go in when I'm not here, its not a big deal." as he conveniently left the apartment he said, "Maybe sometime soon I'll give you a lesson on how to manage women." He just.... I cant describe how much he bothers me. AND he makes all this organic crap and doesn't clean up his mess EVER! and our kitchen/family room always smell like someone literally threw up on the floor and left it there. But I don't care. Soon I'll be gone.

Sorry about that rant, I know these are boring to read when they're long, so thank you to those of you who read it :)


your friend said...

Hey, I'm josh.
I like ur blog. and ur hair. they're both cool.
(hope that isn't wierd...)
I was just reading some of ur post and I have a few questions that I don't quite get...

1. What is ur 'mission'?

2. Don't take this personal... Do u have an eating disorder? I think i kinda read something like that... not sure.

3. Why do u live with room mates? i don't get it?

p.s. sry im asking u these questions over a comment... I don't know how to contact u otherwise. feel free to delete it if u wish when ur done reading.



Gavin said...

Hahahaha dont worry about it. Hey Josh. and thanks for both the compliments haha everyone is trying to get me to cut my hair, but i refuse.

I'm mormon. and at the end of this summer ill be leaving for two years to do the door to door thing :)

I dont have an eating disorder HAHA but i should eat more. I'm pretty skinny.

I live in an apartment and three of us live here haha

Thanks for following my blog my friend! talk to you later

misc. said...

Good post my friend! I especially liked the friends part I'm glad you have this blog to write stream of consciousness (that makes sense). I used to think i knew everything there was to know about you, but I guess I don't, and there is more to you than I thought which is a way good thing. I feel like we are gunna drift and not be able to control it soon, so its good to have a door to your mind from time to time.

Kelsea said...

gavin i love you. i really think you are such a great person. i love the way you are honest with yourself and the way your thoughts are so human and wonderful. im glad that im your friend. and HOLY CRAP. you know i can TOTALLY sympathize with you on your roommate thing. haha wow. wow.