Saturday, December 27, 2008

Some uh....thoughts I guess.

I decided that life is a good thing. I sometimes think about how its so strange that at the most unexpected times for the most unexpected reasons, people die. I sometimes think why I'm alive. What am I accomplishing? This probably sounds really weird. But you think about like, if we're here, we have to be here for a reason. And when people die, they have to die for a reason. I do not think there are any mistakes. I mean obviously we MAKE mistakes, but I honestly believe that everything has to happen for a reason. Like. MORBID! I don't even know, I just freaked out. Also, my friend cody wrote this wayyy awesome thing, and I'll be sharing it now.

We live every day
In a veil of misunderstanding
And a creed of insanity
Not knowing

What fills the eye fills the heart

If this is true
We direly need to be blinded

At what price is this?

Too high

That is why I refuse to live by the adolescent
Standards of this foax we call a way to live

A light heart lives longest

If this is true
I direly need my heart lightened

At what price is this?

Price isn't relevant at this point
It must be done.

I don't completely understand it, but I think its good. Good ol' Cody. I'm sure Diane will be able to decipher it.


DiaNe said...

well that's a lot of pressure...I was reading it, thinking "This is a great poem, wonder what it means?". Here's what I gleaned from it:

We are living life without knowing the half of it. We don't need to fill our hearts by merely what we see; there is so much more beauty in things intangible. No matter what the cost is, however much we have to be different from "normal", we need to soak up every good thing around us if we want to live life to the fullest.

Look at me. I got it. I like your personal philosophy as well, Mr. Telford.