Monday, May 17, 2010

Uhhh. Espanol?

This weekend was our first weekend on our own. I was excited. No offense to any of you in our group if you end up finding this blog, but I needed to get out of this little scene for a bit. We went to Paris for three days. Emily, Lindsey, Kelsey and I.

We took the Chunnel in because I thought it would be a lot cooler than it really was and because last minute flights to Paris weren't much cheaper. So this option was just simpler. Anyways, we got in at like 12. So our plan was to drop our stuff off at the hotel then go have fun and crap. Well we map out the whole plan of finding our hotel in Paris on the train and we feel like we have it down perfect. We take the subway with no errors and then we get into this part of town that looks pretty nice. We start walking to where we think it is and when we get to the exact address we realize its where an intersection is. Our hotel did not exist. We walked up and down the streets for two hours asking locals where it might be and if they had heard of it and none of them had. So we find some random hotel and go and ask them where it is. They call them and ask them and we find out that its 10 miles outside of Paris. We panic a little but we are like, okay. We can do this. It's fine. So we get back on the subway and head to this town called Torsey or something? The best way I can describe it is... like, well Kelsey said it was what Provo would be like if ONLY black people lived there. Kind of racist. But not really. Alright anyways. It's seriously really ghetto. We get out and we start looking for it. We look for so long, ask countless people walking by and a lot of stores and hotels. We can not find it. We call the hotel again asking for directions and we just get lost even more. We decide to screw it and just go get a new hotel thats actually in Paris. I start out so many of these sentences with the word 'we' that's got to stop. After HONESTLY 7 hours of walking and navigating our way through paris we walked until we found a place.

We found a hotel that was down the street from the Eiffel Tower but they only allowed 3 people max in a room, so we lied and said there were two and hand to sneak Lindsey and Kelsey in. We told the Concierge that we needed two beds, she looked confused. We just pushed the two beds together and slept horizontally of each other so we could all fit. It was such a nice change from the room I have to sleep in in Kensington. Freaking... death. That night we didn't have much time left to do anything so we just went out to dinner at this pretty nice restaurant just somewhere down there and then took pictures at the Eiffel Tower.

Emily had told her dad about our escapades and he booked us a suite at the Hilton right down the street from the Arc de Triomphe... I don't think I will ever learn how to spell that right. It was sooo nice. But yeah both days after our first crazy day we used the Hop On, Hop Off bus tours to see everything we wanted to see. We went to the Louvre and the Notre Dame Cathedral and a bunch of other things that I don't remember. But we did go up the Eiffel Tower and I proposed to Lindsey (DONT PANIC LAUREN IT WAS FAKE!) and people clapped and cheered for us and congratulated us and we were the talk of the west side of the second lookout point of the tower for a good three minutes.

There were a lot of annoying things that came with this trip. Navigating was seriously too insane. I don't know why it had to be so hard. It's seriously so easy here in London. The language barrier really did suck. I heard it wouldn't be a problem but we would have been a lot better off if we knew some French. I also got freaking annoyed with all the sidewalk vendors. They have all these stupid tricks to force you into giving them money. These guys would hold out strings to make bracelets for you and they would try to force them on your wrists. You just have to keep walking and keep your hands in your pockets. It got old. There was also the trick of being like a gypsy and walking around asking all the Americans if they spoke English. If you say yes, then they open up a piece of paper that says some crap about their cousin or dad or nephew being at war or in prison and they need money so they can travel to get them home. We were all sitting on the curb waiting for a bus on the last day and one of the Gypsy's came up to us and said, Do you speak English? And Emily just shook her head. Then she asked if we spoke French and Emily just shakes her head again and says, "Espanol?" And the gypsy got pissed and walked away, 90% sure she cursed us, but thats okay because it was so hilarious.

I don't know why I didn't put pictures up on this. I got some good ones. Check my facebook soon our something haha. I feel like there is a lot of stuff I left out of this post. Thats not a good thing. A lot of stuff happened in those three days and I cant remember. I need to start paying attention to this vacation. I love you. Be safe.


Lo said...

This blog is so amazingly funny. It deserves an award.

The Novelist said...

Sounds like an adventure of a lifetime!