Monday, May 3, 2010

I Forgot a Journal

I forgot two things on my trip to London. My debit card, and a journal. So I'm going to bore you with all the things I do here. Hopefully some crazy stuff happens because as much as I will be using these next few entries more for my benefit, I would still like it if you enjoyed reading it ha.

Well I really do declare these first past 48 hours some of the longest hours of my life. I slept three hours before I flew out, and slept for like, maybe a half hour on the flight to London. I told everyone I needed ambien. Nobody believed me. But I blame the fact that I couldn't sleep on the plane due to the fact that my debit card was for sure lost for good. I knew it had to have fallen out of my wallet when I got it out for a second at fat cats or on the road or something. But Anna ended up having it, and if everything keeps going well, I should have it back in my possession by Wednesday at noon. We are all very excited.

Today was good though. We got in, then to keep us awake all day we went out onto the streets and walked to Buckingham Palace. It was pretty cool. We also walked through Hyde Park a little bit and its an awesome park. I'm going to go to there to read when it gets warmer.

We went to dinner at this crazy Chinese place that I already cannot remember the name of. It was good. I like different food. Its not like, way out there, but it was different. It kind of reminded me of something I'd eat at New York. Thats something else about this place. It really isn't much different from home. I can get all the same stuff that I could always get and everything is accessible. I don't know. I was expecting some culture shock, not sure why. Its not like I was going to Ethiopia. I have almost reached the point where I start to hallucinate I think. So I really should go to bed. After I watch Amazing Race. 50 bucks is on the line.


Lo said...

When I lived in England we used to go to Buckingham Palace all the time and once I got chased by geese because they wanted my bread and it scared the living daylights out of me.

Anna Wolf said...

yeah. i had your debit card. it was panic all around. but we took care of that situation didn't we? you can make a journal. i miss you.