Saturday, May 29, 2010


PostSecret is one of the coolest things. I love the idea of letting go of something that's so hidden from everyone you've ever known. Yes, the point is, I love stuff like that. While we were in Scotland we ate at this cafe and we didn't have anything to do for a couple of hours so we were just sitting there for a while. Eventually I got bored enough to check my surroundings, I filed through papers that were scattered over the windowsill that I was sitting up against, and eventually I noticed that the table we were eating at had drawers in then. I opened it up and guess what.

There were hundreds of notes in these three drawers right along where we were eating. They were just notes. About anything and everything. Some were sad and some were funny. But every single one of them was sooo cool for me. Because people from all over the world just put what they were feeling or experiencing.

I really like the Idea of being able to say whatever you want and not care about who is hearing it. I think its a very healthy thing. I've never mailed in a secret to PostSecret, but whenever I fly in a plane I always write a secret out and put it into the centerfold of the Sky magazine and leave it sticking out a little. It really does feel good, putting yourself down on paper and leaving it for someone to know or feel something about you.

This next one was my favorite. It was a full page and she just talked about how she had no idea what she was really even doing in Scotland and how she was from some small town in Oregon and she felt directionless and so scared that her life was much less significant than she planned on it being. She was 20.
You should be able to click it to see it bigger.

I just love that it kept going too. I want to know who started it and what that note said that made someone want to follow suit.

So after seeing something so cool, I couldn't pass up leaving one of my own.


KIKA said...

Gavin! I love this. . . It seems so magical. I've never even heard of postsecret before this post. Sitting at a table with all those hand written notes, a little piece of everyone who left one there. I can only imagine! What an awesome place :D

Soren Jensen said...

That's awesome.

The Novelist said...

I love this post of yours. The pictures speak a thousand words!