Saturday, May 29, 2010

Round Two.

We went to Edinburgh Scotland last weekend. Considering the fact that it hasn't been any warmer than 50 degrees since we've been here, we could only assume that Scotland was going to be freezing. We didn't even assume actually, we checked the weather and scoped it out. It was supposed to be cold. It said low 50's with cloudy skies. In our head that means freezing. We packed up only jackets and sweaters and pants and we were freaking ready.

We got there late at night on Thursday and it was cold so everything was going according to plan so far.

We stayed in a hostel called Art Roch Hostel. It had all of those stencil stickers all over the walls and windows and and supposedly that made things artsy. It smelled like the inside of a new cabin though so I had that going for me. Lindsey saved me with a pair of ear plugs that she gave me and they are my new favorite things. Even back at our apt in Kensington I just turn on my music really loud, loud enough to drown out the snoring my bunkmate makes, and sleep with my ear phones in. But now, ear plugs are just the best things ever.

Edinburgh was cool though. Our director honestly didn't have anything planned for us to do except one thing. We went into a town called Sterling to see a monument about a guy who helped save the down. It was a really nice town and I liked it a lot. But after that was over we had nothing to do. I loved riding the trains and busses around there because it's Europe and I love residential areas around here. They're amazing.

So I stayed in the hostel the first two nights and the last two nights I stayed at the Marriott with Emily Kelsey and Lindsey for the other two nights and we just found stuff to do. One day we went to the beach, went to the castle, went shopping, hung out in a park, our group did a ghost tour, and we ate a lot of food. I really have noticed that life would be so much better regarding your finances is you never had to eat, and it was just an optional thing. I have spend so much money on food. It's so stupid. And it doesn't matter how much things are when you're hungry. It doesn't matter at all. Oh this crepe is 10 pounds? 16 bucks in American lingo? Sure yeah sounds good. CREPES DONT FILL YOU UP! I just know that I better weigh 140 when I get home or else I'm going to be pissed I bought all this food for nothing.

Scotland really was cool though. The first day sucked only because NOTHING happened. I was worried thats how it was just going to be going. But staying at the Mariott was nice, it was 10 miles out of the city along a golf course and you had to walk like 2 miles up a hill to get there, which I loved because I miss going on walks. Plus it was cool because we're from Scotland so i saw some land and things that my future Telford's saw. I even checked with a vendor if Telford is still a regular Scottish name, and he said 'Aye'. Proof. I just hope Ireland goes better and we plan things out better.

We are officially done seeing Shakespeare plays now. We've seen five plays and these last two we got to sit down. I've had my fill of that guy. He was cool and stuff but I don't need anymore for a long time. We saw Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Henry the 8th, Antony and Cleopatra and Romeo and Juliet. Done. Too much.

I'm aware that I'm not good at being entertaining on these like, documenting posts, but I really do do this so I can remember stuff and have this to look back on, the whole journal thing remember? Well you guys are cool and stuff.