Monday, May 10, 2010

I don't want to do it that way.

The first weekend was crazy here. We spent friday night in this town called Salisbury which is about 2 hours outside of London. It was really really cool. It was like, the Springville of Utah. It was really small and quiet and normal and I loved it. The people were nice too. We went to this nice restaurant and everyone was nice and stuff. Something I'm not used to yet here.

Well after that we met up with most the people in our group at a bar and then these two guys asked us to play cards with them so we did then they wanted to go to a dance club/bar so we did and people were getting drunk and making out with foreign men and I was just watching it all happen and it was so freaking funny. At the end of the night we were walking back to our Hostel at like 2 am and the hostel was like, down this pretty scary alley thing and they were all freaking out so I held their hands and was guiding them up this ramp thing and this guy busts out from the trees freaking out and screaming and everyone was FREAKING out but it was just some guy who was staying in the hostel. So we talked to him and laughed and he was pretty cool. But then the two brittish guys from the club found us so the girls were freaking out that they got stalked. But everything was fine.

But the next day we went to this old abandoned castle grounds there and this AWESOME cathedral where there was an actual church service being held. We stayed for the lords prayer then left. It was soooo amazing. Then we walked around the town for a while and checked out this outside market thing and I loved it and got CYD HER PRESENT! Then we went to Stonehenge which was cool and I really always wanted to always see it but then I found out that the government like messed with them and repositioned them because they were all messed up and stuff. I seriously thought they were untouched for as long as time has existed.

But then Sunday we went to church and the talks were on service and it was pretty cool. I liked it. Next time we're going to the singles ward though so hopefully that will be better. But then that day weeeee. I dont even remember. We did something. Geez. how do I not remember. I talked to my mom for mothers day! That was good. I love my mom. Shes amazing. I think we just hung out at home... Freak this is bugging me.

Today we went to Oxford University! We ate at the pub that CS Lewis and J.R.R. Tolken ate and drank together talking about their books and stuff. Its a pretty awesome place. But everything was closed when we were there. Mondays things close early I guess haha.

But thats all thats going on right now. We leave to Paris on friday though! Thats going to be freaking insane. I love you. Be safe.