Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I did a lot of blogging this month I just realized. I should be shooken by the hand. Or patted on the back, or thumbs up given. All i know is im glad ive been sticking to this. I usually drop stuff like this as quickly and randomly as i start them. But they are still emo rants, and they could be more interesting.

Recent things i guess. Today my family started a freaking work out program. Three times a week. We'll see how long that lasts.

Im getting my hair done crazy tomorrow. Emo, just the 
way we like it. But im running out of opportunities to go crazy with it, and if it looks like crap, it will be easy to fix. Picture of a combination of these two pictures.

Dont judge me, i know you want to, but dont. Because i like the style, and i hope it looks alright on my head. and by combination, i mean the length of the bottom one, and the colors of the top one.... along with a skunk tail on the back right side of my hair. oh man, people are going to be pissed.

I go to the PostSecret convention on Wednesday. Im excited, I really think its going to be a cool experience. Hope all is well with you guys. Dont swear.


DiaNe said...

don't swear? Are you trying to kill me?

Your hair will look fabulous.

Kelsea said...

gav i actually think it will be swell. and i love you and your emoness