Friday, March 13, 2009


Ok. Update i suppose. I finished the book Venemous. It was a good book. It was original, even though the climax was less than climactic, the main point was powerful. It was about a boy who had what he called "The Venom" Inside of him. He had a hard time controlling this inner monster whenever something makes him angry. Its self destructive, and effects everyone he cares about and its just about him dealing with it and trying to control it. Meh, i dont highly recommend it, mostly because it was more morbid than positive. And it drags on until like the 200th page. The other book i read on my way home was Hard Love. Its a story of this aspiring writer who meets this other writer who turns out to be a lesbian. They start out as friends, but he falls in love with her and the whole thing is exactly what the title says its, its about "hard love" It was another really good book though, Its funny, and the writing was quotable, so many good lines.

I picked up an application at Barnes and Noble! Im going to apply at borders too, but yeah, wel'll see.

Life is exactly the same for all of you wondering. But i did take more pictures. Im starting to think my style isnt branching out and everythings turning out the same. I dont know how to fix that. But if you want to see them then add me on facebook.

I hope life is good. Be safe.


DiaNe said...

So you read The Hulk?

And hooray for applying at Barnes and Noble! Happy to help anyway I can.