Saturday, May 30, 2009


I have gotten really bad at writing in this thing at least once a week. I just do not have things to say! Crazy things still happen but i guess because theyre not so crazy in my head anymore I dont feel the need to preserve the activity. But i do. and i should. 

Our hot water was shut off because our like, thing was leaking all the way to the first floor so it was like a big deal or something. So i had to go to my parents house to shower. I know that sounds lame but you have to understand this water is as cold as water is when you turn the nob all the way to the C in the shower! I will not shower here until it is resolved. I vow it.

Alright what else. My hair is blonde now. My mom wouldnt let me meet with my bishop with my hair the way it was. She thought it made me look like an "unbeliever" I look weird, my mom loves it. Bribery is the only way i would allow this.

I do not like so many commercials. Espeically ones that air on nickelodeon. They are just weird and awful.

ohfsdklfsadfkhasdfa i dont know how to blog anymore!


DiaNe said...

There's no "right" way to blog. You however, have found the wrong way. Bring back the emo Gavin we all love.

Rissa said...

Yes, and worth every penny Gav. I will admit that I did like your hair before we neutralized it, but blond is the REAL Gav that I know and love so much!!!