Monday, December 7, 2009

Just Realized

It took me a long time, but I've finally done it. Well, for the time being I've done it. But hopefully I remember that what I am thinking right at this very second is true, and that there are NO variables that come into conflict with this.

I am in control of my life. I decide what influences me and it is my decision on how I respond to certain situations. I can get hit with something and guide it in a direction that will most easily make me happy. I know this seems way too common knowledge but I'm the type of person that needs to feel sad for a minute. I need to feel sorry for myself and just be sad about every dumb thing that affects me emotionally. I can decide where I go from here and guess freaking what.

I'm changing my life and I'm determined to make things better for me. I know I'll still hit rough patches but what good is it doing for me to just sit around and do nothing about my lack of happiness? I can make my own happiness. I am very determined to do better and I think this is the only way I will slowly but surely heal my depression. Who needs a therapist right? All you need is like 9 months of trying to figure it out.


Reagan and Mike said...

or like a year and a half for others =). Love you gav!! you are awesome and thank you. Because to this day I feel like I have to tell myself things like this all the time. I have to choose to be happy. which sometimes sucks but is so worth it. ha ha. can't wait to see you this week!