Saturday, July 25, 2009

Well. Pioneer Day.

I'm not consistent at all anymore.

I'm still struggling with dumb stuff. But Pioneer day was today hooray.

Cyd let me spend it with her and I was happy. We went to the parade and went to the park and watched gospel singers sing about Church things and such. We cheered and sang along. 

Then i drove back home and showered and then drove back to cyds. Then we watched tv with Kate and then got cotton candy and wingers and then i drove back to my apartment and tried to fall asleep while cyd worked.

Then i came back at 8 and we met up with Drew Kate Annie and Duncan and we watched the fireworks and fought each other and hurt each other. Then people bled and we got cheese cake and del taco and went back to my apartment. They attacked everything and tore up magazines and i just was like whaaaatttt. 

Now im home. it was a fun night. I really liked it.


DiaNe said...

your style of writing causes me to give the same amount of emphasis to everything. I was waiting to read, "we went to the store, then cyd killed someone, then I bought a shirt..."

Gavin said...

Got a problem with that?