Saturday, July 4, 2009

Very Sorry

Im sorry i get all mysteriously annoyingly emo on this all the time. I have freaking followers now and I feel like people are going to stop following if i dont get interesting really quick. I know i promised pictures in this post but im too tired.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who made my day great today. You all know who you are. Im going through some rough stuff. And you all made me forget about it all day. So thank you.

To pay you back. my next post is going to be full of happiness and goodness and fun happy good things. Now. I dont know who REALLY reads this blog. But if you read this, could you leave me a comment telling me how i can improve my blog. Things that bore you that i write, things that you like. I just want to get better at this. 

Thanks again for the good day my friends. You really are so important to me and its days like this that I will never take you for granted.


your friend said...

Gavin, to start, I love your blog. Everything (happy or emo) that you write rocks. I just hope that you would continue to tell us the happenings that occur during your day. It's creepy, but I enjoy hearing about your day. =)

DiaNe said...

don't be so quick to assume your readers are bored with you. You have a following for a reason, even if you're not quite sure what it is.

Anna Wolf said...

im bored.

Gavin said...

Anna you blog like once a year, you have no say.