Sunday, February 7, 2010


There are a LOT of things about my life in the future that I do not want to happen. I don't want to "Wind up" anywhere, I don't want to be a person I'm forced to be, I don't want to reflect the characteristics of people that I don't respect, and I don't want to be a sad person. You know, the type of sad person who doesn't really feel like they are sad but then you look at their life and you're like, "Wow, thats sad."

It scares the crap out of me that I KNOW that soooo many 19 year olds out there are thinking the EXACT same thing.

But what scares me even more, is that chances are. The people who are in the situations that I'm talking about right now, probably thought the same things that I'm thinking when they were 19.


The Novelist said...

When I was 19 I wasn't really thinking about my future like you are. I was just going along. Yes, I wish I had paid attention and thought more about what I really wanted out of life, but you know what I have been discovering lately? It is never too late to start doing something you love. If I could go back and start over I would do some things differently sure, most people probably would, but I don't regret anything I have or haven't done either. Some people might look at me and think "how sad", but I am very happy! One of the best things I have learned though is that it really truly does not matter what other people think. As long as you are happy with where you are in your life it just doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. I have also learned that I should never look at anyone and assume that they have a perfect life. You never know what someone else is struggling with. Sometimes the world can come crashing down on someone who seemed so invincible. I know this because it happened to someone very close to me.

I guess what I am trying to say is, don't be afraid of the future. It holds heartache and happiness and it is all worth it as long as you are true to who you are!