Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cooler Title

I just realized that I title these things way random weird words. When I first started typing "Uhhh" the auto-filler put up like three or four different titles that start with "Uh." I don't what that means about me because I used to think I took the titles into careful consideration... hahaha. Well whatever. I don't freaking care its a title.

I haven't been as constant on this thing as I should have been so thats getting annoying because I used to have this sort of flow going on. I was able to mesh two blogs together into one continuous story and it was cool sometimes!.. yeah I'm getting bad. I just wrote like three sentences and it was going nowhere so I just deleted it and decided to tell you that I did that instead.

Things in life are a little weird right now. I'm dealing with some family issues that honestly, aside from my brother (no offense if you ever find this Logan I love you) I never thought this would be something we would deal with. But we're dealing with it and we'll all be okay.

I'm officially going to a study abroad to London this May! While I'm there I'm going to be able to spend a weekend in France, a weekend in Italy, a weekend in Switzerland, and a weekend in Ireland. I really am so excited for this trip and I'm glad I've found some normal people in the group to be my friends while I'm there haha. I'm sure I'll fill this blog with cool London stuff once I'm there. So look forward to that haha.

But I hope that YOU are good. I have 23 followers now. I never thought this day would come... Dream come true I tell you. Only not really because this is an embarrassing thing from time to time. But you guys are cool and stuff. Be safe and listen to The Rocket Summer because I think every time I listen to their new album I smile and I look at the world in a much happier way.


The Novelist said...

I am jealous you get to go on a study abroad! I always wanted to do that when I was in High School and in college. What a fun experience! I hope things get better with your family. Be patient and be loving. That is my advice.

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Wendy said...

Dear wonderful Gavin. I know a little of whats going on with your family it really will be okay. Just have a faith. All will be well. I'm glad you get to have an adventure in Europe. It will change you a good way. I love you so very much. Aunt Wendy