Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Will not unpack.

I don't have a desire to unpack and organize anything. I just want to finish my room. I know I can get this done by the end of the month. I'm thinking if I print off 100 more pictures, buy some canvas, and this one really cool thing from Urban outfitters, I can slow down in the process of making my room my room. I have high hopes, but suggestions are still appreciated.

I'm back from my study abroad trip and I realized that I never even blogged about how much I loved Ireland... I, yeah. I just loved Ireland haha. It was really cool because like Scotland it had a lot of the cool buildings and things to see in the city but we took a train to a town called Belfast in north eastern Ireland and being on that train alone was amazing. It was along the coast and we just saw little islands and people on the beaches and the sunset. It was amazing. The next day we took a bus tour of the coast for 6 hours. Honestly, it was one of the most gorgeous days of my life. The weather was nice AGAIN somehow. I will never know how we got so lucky in Paris, Scotland AND Ireland. It was an amazing day.

Right now I'm home though and I'm happy I'm back. The trip was good but because it felt more like a vacation than like, living in London, I was ready to come home. Doing a million things every day got hard. It was time. I'm so thankful that I got to go and experience that trip. I only want to travel more because of it though. My mom said me and her will go to Italy together. She said it and I'm holding it to her.

I still have three papers to write so I'm pissed about that.

I missed my friends. I'm in love. Peanut Butter is the best in candy. 4% milk tastes crazy and I will never understand the point of .2% milk. Garbage cans on the corner of every street is something we should appreciate. Water doesn't cost 2 dollars. I'm as happy if not more happy than I was in January. This summer will continue to be amazing. Parks are perfect. My phone isn't glued to my hand. I like talking to strangers.

Sorry I'm not good at blogging often and with words of interest. I'll figure something out.