Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I'm having problems selling my contract. I know this is the most BORING thing i could be blogging about but its not my fault that this could cost me 475 dollars! I knew what i was getting myself into when I moved into a new place without having sold my old contract, but i still feel like it was worth it. The dumb FCS office turned down a guy because he had a dog that would just be kept in a freaking cage and wouldnt do anything and im pissed. Also they had to turn down a 50 year old guy because...hes 50 trying to live in a singles ward....but anyways. School was not relevant today. Nothing is different lately, im still my emo gavin self. I hope life is good for you all.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I was

Today I woke up, on a day i didnt have to. And I got out, got my hair cut, and I went to wal-mart to print pictures that ive been wanting to print for a while now. I have bare walls and im going to keep adding to a collage of pictures. I printed 60 and it looks like a small blob, but im glad i accomplished my goal. I was successful with my day. It wasnt worthless like so many other days. Heres a picture haha sorry about the glare. 

Sunday, February 15, 2009


19th Birthday. I acknowledge that I'm 19 even though i didnt want to. I just feel way too immature to be 19 and I feel like, I dont know. Its just weird. Now. I REALLY dont want to sound like I'm bragging about how many people wished me a happy birthday. But in a year or two, I want to remember all the people who cared enough about me to wish me a happy birthday. Besides, the number isnt even that big, im just appreciative. 

This is in random order. Just however they came up on facebook or via text.

Kelsea Park, Hiram Jacob, Caitlin Merritt, Tyler Boshard, Danielle Padgette, Brian Dunn, Gwen Blanchard, Michelle Ferguson, Tacy Ferguson, Whitney Bunker, Kristen Bowls, Michael Nelson, Drew Duncan, Cyd Houtz, Josh Geer, Cody Geer, Jada Ferguson, Berkeley Young, Diane Orme, Missy Kirk (a million times), Edward Jennings, Kate Clayson, Anna Harward, Anna Melugin, Wendy Clarke, Rachel Lewis, Chelsea Tolman, Suzy Jordan, Morgan Mulliner, Sammi Tafoya, Ericka Rubio, Ashlyn Ririe, Kacie Child, Chris Ferguson, Drew Stone, and Courtney Hamill.

I think its cool that all these people cared enough to wish me a happy birthday rather than including me in their mass text saying happy valentines day haha. Its weird having my birthday on valentines day because i feel like i expect wayyy too much every year. I mean i really did have a good day, but I'm always let down if the stupid birthday wish that i make each year doesnt come true. This year it didnt :P but its not a big deal. I also cant get over the fact that one person is missing from that list of names that i wish was there hahaha man. But i really did have a good birthday! I hope you all had a great valentines day. I hope there was great lovin.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


So many things I leave alone. Something happens and I never stop looking back. I try to fix pieces of my life with mediocre attempts but it always ends up being left undone. I feel like nothing has really changed about me over the past 2 years. I've stayed right where I am. Waiting for the change that I expect will be done for me. Dont think I'm depressed and sad, just something about myself thats just as emo as the rest of me :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Um. wow.

Last night I decided that I would set my alarm intending on going to school. It went off at 8, and the tired Gavin said, "No, turn it off and rest your eyes, it's just film your missing, English is the important class anyways." I agreed with him, and set my alarm for 9. It went off, and I hear, "No Gavin, its ok, turn it off, you just have to write that paper, you dont have to go anyways." And I gladly listened.

I woke up at 11 and anna called me asking if I needed Jamba Juice. 
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I decided that, yes, yes I do need Jamba Juice. So we went. Ate it. and it was great. Then we went to Apolo Burger, found a park, and ate it outside... in 38 degree weather. We were ok with it.

We knew what we had to do. We just knew. We had to go to Nickelcade. 
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We spent ten dollars there. Completely worth it. We will destroy the Titanic... We got exploding rocks where when you hit them together they make an explosion. Awesome right? We spent about 4 hours there.

After that we had to get frooties 
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because there were some at Nickelcade but we couldnt get them! So we just had to. We went to Zurchers, 
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but they didnt have any, so we went to Party Land. And they had them. We stopped by and said hi to Hiram at the UPS Store while we were there. Hiram is cool. We like him.

So then we went to the theatre. We saw Coraline. I love that movie, wayyyy too much. I want to see it again so badly. It was insanely creative and the visuals were amazing. especially for a stop motion movie. The 3-D glasses didnt even bother me, which was weird because they usually do.

After that we had to find more food. We went to pizzaria seven twelve or whatever its number is. but the doors were locked apparently. We kept trying and trying but the people inside just kept staring at us. Even one of the employees just stared. We didnt know what to do.  We were pissed. So we went to 5 Buck Pizza and ate cheese bread with ranch and pizza sauce. It was dang good.

Then we decided it was time for home. We were just remeniscing how the evening only cost us about 20-30 dollars each. We decided it was a freaking good day. Such a dang good day. Then we pulled up into my apt complex, and annas car was gone... She was on another planet and didnt really care, but I started freaking out. I called the people, they said she still had to pay the money, 120$, i was freaking out more. We went down there. Waited for the people to come, they came. they made her pay, i felt awful.

Anyways. That was my day. It was crazy. But awesome, other than the 120$ unlawful payment.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I Graduated

I know this is incredibly lame of me but I decided if I was going to post things on here like a journal I might as well document some stuff. 

I graduated from Orem High School in 2008. For the record, I hated high school, mostly for the drama that came with it. I miss the friends and the immaturity, but, meh. Anyways, here are two more pictures affirming the narcissism I deny I have.

Monday, February 2, 2009


I did it. I bought a new room and I'm soooo excited to move in. I plan to be moved in by the end of tomorrow and its going to be so good. Im a little worried because I have to sell my contract as soon as possible because I still have to pay for the room I'm living in right now. If it sells by the end of February then I should be ok. So, anyone reading this, and you know someone who wants to move into my LOVELY room with my great atmosphere... then tell them about my place hahaha. Well, just thought i had to update. this is epic.